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In a world rife with financial opportunity and volatility, Tobin & Company provides a comforting combination of knowledge, experience, confidence.


Tobin & Company specializes is a variety of investment banking services that meet the needs of our growing clientele, adapting as changes in financial regulations occur.


Beyond our knowledge and experience in investment banking, our clients appreciate that Tobin & Company has broad and deep knowledge of their specific business sectors.


In a world rife with financial opportunity and volatility, Tobin & Company provides a comforting combination of knowledge, experience, confidence.

Selling Your Company? This Option May Reduce Your Capital Gains Taxes.

Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds are Worth Investigating While Tobin & Company is not a tax advisor, nor do we profess to be, we do on occasion encounter strategies that our mergers and acquisitions clients might want to investigate with their tax advisors. Those who have owned their companies for years and decide to sell, often […]

Dealmaker’s Conference Raises a Host of Interest in “Making Deals!”

From “When Should I Sell My Company?” to “How Do I Get Ready to Sell?” Recently I was invited to join a Dealmaker’s Conference panel discussion with a team from Charlotte’s Womble Bond Dickinson, LLP legal advisors about Sell-Side Mergers & Acquisitions. Our session turned up numerous questions from the 250+ attendees about investment banking, […]

Check Out New Videos

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As we continue to expand the online presence of Tobin & Company Investment Banking Group and Tobin & Company Securities, I am delighted to inform you that we have updated our website, TobinandCo.com, with some new videos about our services. This past summer, we created six videos that speak generally about the firm and each […]

Merger vs. Acquisition: 9 Critical Differences You Need to Understand for Business Growth

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Definition: What are Mergers and Acquisitions? A merger occurs when two companies combine forces to become one company. This usually happens when both companies believe they can do more jointly than separately. With a merger, both companies involved often maintain their autonomy and operate as separate divisions within the new company. On the other hand, […]

Buy Side Acquisition Advisory: Why You Need an Expert

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Your success rate in acquiring a company depends on your expertise in handling valuations, negotiations, and analysis. The process takes time and challenges often occur. However, hiring a buy-side acquisition advisory expert will save you time and money. In addition, you will have access to different company acquisition methods that can be tailored to suit […]

One Way Marketplace Volatility Affects Us All

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Retirement As Supply Chain Disruption? Three weeks ago, an attorney I’ve known for a while called me asking about our business valuation services. He said he’d recently attended a trade show scouting companies that might be interested in selling if the price were right. Interestingly, several of the CEOs and board members he approached showed […]

Acquisition Accelerates Growth . . . If You Can Find Eligible Candidates

Most companies that seek growth through acquisition have a firm foundation from which to spring. In today’s market however, finding eligible candidates to buy is hard demand is high, supply is low, eligible candidates are not cheap and competition is fierce. Most businesses are doing great regardless of how tenuous our economy and international forces […]

Issuing Securities? Beware SEC Rule 3a4-1!

When issuing securities, navigating all SEC rules without risking regulatory intervention can be difficult and intimidating. Tobin & Company has been managing securities offerings for 20 years and our clients who issue securities tell us that SEC Rule 3a4-1 causes them the most concern because of its broad broker definition and its seemingly ambiguous legalistic […]

What To Do When Unexpected Events Prompt a Company Sale?

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It May Seem Trite But No One Lives Forever It was a shock to the patient, the family, employees, and friends, when the business owner’s oncologist delivered the leukemia diagnosis. The President and CEO of the 50-year-old, international manufacturer of thermal processing equipment, Thermcraft, Inc., had worked hard his whole life nurturing and growing the business […]

Tobin & Company Paves Way for Acquisition of Thermcraft, Inc.

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Charlotte, NC – Tobin & Company Investment Banking Group has announced that the firm served as the exclusive investment bank and financial advisor for Thermcraft, Incorporated, in its recent sale to Alloy Engineering. Thermcraft was referred to TOBIN by Wells Fargo. Thermcraft chose TOBIN because of its skill in conducting a deep initial valuation analysis, its […]

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